Song 4 U

This song is about me. This song is about you.

This song is about everyone and everything we do.

This song is about love. This song is about hate.

This song is for the proletariat and for the heads of state.

Tell me something Different - I've said it before x3

I've said it all before.

This song is for the Happy. This song is for the sad.

This song is for those who think they're sane,

And those who know they're Mad.

This song is for the Laughter. This song is for the screams.

This song is for the Uberfiend for crushing all our dreams.

Tell me something Different - I've heard it before x3

I've heard it all before.

This song is for the manic. This song is for the depressed.

This song is for the totally chilled man. This song is for the stressed.

This song is for the truth. This song is for the lies.

This song is for the one who lives. While everything else dies.

Show me something different - I've seen it before x3

I've seen it all before.